Saturday, July 14, 2018

Powder Bleach dilution Machine

Today , I have myself designed and drawn a powder bleaching dilution machine for our factory. It is vary essential for mainly washing factory which needs diluted bleach daily.

Below is the drawing of bleach dilution machine :-

For bleach dilution-
1) The drum where bleach will be diluted it must be plastic made and also it should have good thickness because while diluting powder bleach in water it releases enough heat. In that case, Pro type plastic water tank may be used. (one thing must remember, Drum height should be more than wideness).
2) All other frame should be coated with plastic/ PVC due to making safe from bleach.
3) The water follow meter should be ultrasonic wave water follow meter so that each of the liter of water can be calculated correctly (like- petrol pump uses)
4) Bleach draining valve must be PVC or plastic made otherwise bleach will make the valve spoiled sooner.
5) Bleaching dilution inner shaft should have two bold node for sent up the water revolving. one in the bottom edge and another in the middle of the shaft.(more nodes can be also used, depends on the drum wideness)
6) Shaft should be placed straightly to the bottom otherwise it will jerk and make problem at the time of dilution.

This is the basic diagram,
You may redesign yourself as per your necessity.

### Images of complete Machine_\

 Calcium Hypochlorite Ca(ClO)2 is produced from -

-this reaction, where Calcium hypochlorite is 21.4% soluble in water @ 25 degree Celsius. And if the solution is kept for longer time it will happen reversible reaction.

So, it is a problem for us, and that's why the bleach should not keep more than Six Hours after dilution because reducing of Chlorine (gas form) from diluted solution will finally make the bleaching solution less effective while applying in the washing bath.

And the diluted solution should be always mixed very nicely using the revolving motor each and every time while taking the bleach for application in the washing bath.

Always - remember that, Chlorine is the reducer, it reduces the color from the dyed portion.

Thanks for reading.

Best regards,
K M Zahidur Rahman

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