Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Denim Finishing : Vacume/Air pressed Balloon type HandSanding dummy replacement with Pillow type machanical dummy

Today I am going to discuss about the problem and the facility of vacuum/air pressed balloon type denim hand sanding stand & its replacement.

Usually hand sanding is necessary for giving the used look to the denim and also it brings the abrasion as well.

To spray Potassium Permanganate it also needs to HandSand to the certain position where PP will be sprayed.

To protect the garments from Lycra damage issue of the denim fabric now a days pillow type sanding dummies are used which is shown in the below image.

This type of Pillow type dummy is less harmful to garments body than the air pressed balloon type dummy.

But the problem of this dummy is crease mark arising. As the garments are placed loosely on the pillow, fabric with polyester+spandex is very tough to do handsanding on this pillow because the garments fabric wrinkly while hand sanding on the pillow and it cause the crease mark. 

(writing is not be continued later...............................)

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Warp and Weft of Denim fabric

Most of the people are always confused about the warp and weft of denim fabric/Pant.
The below image is for them, Please keep this picture in your phone and get to know anytime without confusion-

Thanks and Best regards,

K M Zahidur Rahman

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Powder Bleach dilution Machine

Today , I have myself designed and drawn a powder bleaching dilution machine for our factory. It is vary essential for mainly washing factory which needs diluted bleach daily.

Below is the drawing of bleach dilution machine :-

For bleach dilution-
1) The drum where bleach will be diluted it must be plastic made and also it should have good thickness because while diluting powder bleach in water it releases enough heat. In that case, Pro type plastic water tank may be used. (one thing must remember, Drum height should be more than wideness).
2) All other frame should be coated with plastic/ PVC due to making safe from bleach.
3) The water follow meter should be ultrasonic wave water follow meter so that each of the liter of water can be calculated correctly (like- petrol pump uses)
4) Bleach draining valve must be PVC or plastic made otherwise bleach will make the valve spoiled sooner.
5) Bleaching dilution inner shaft should have two bold node for sent up the water revolving. one in the bottom edge and another in the middle of the shaft.(more nodes can be also used, depends on the drum wideness)
6) Shaft should be placed straightly to the bottom otherwise it will jerk and make problem at the time of dilution.

This is the basic diagram,
You may redesign yourself as per your necessity.

### Images of complete Machine_\

 Calcium Hypochlorite Ca(ClO)2 is produced from -

-this reaction, where Calcium hypochlorite is 21.4% soluble in water @ 25 degree Celsius. And if the solution is kept for longer time it will happen reversible reaction.

So, it is a problem for us, and that's why the bleach should not keep more than Six Hours after dilution because reducing of Chlorine (gas form) from diluted solution will finally make the bleaching solution less effective while applying in the washing bath.

And the diluted solution should be always mixed very nicely using the revolving motor each and every time while taking the bleach for application in the washing bath.

Always - remember that, Chlorine is the reducer, it reduces the color from the dyed portion.

Thanks for reading.

Best regards,
K M Zahidur Rahman

Sunday, July 1, 2018

How to bleach & dyeing jute fiber/ Fabric?

Jute is a long, soft, shiny vegetable fiber that can be spun into coarse, strong threads. It is produced primarily from plants in the genus Corchorus, which was once classified with the family Tiliaceae, and more recently with Malvaceae. The Corchorus capsularis. "Jute" is the name of the plant or fiber that is used to make burlap, hessian or gunny cloth.
Chemical composition of jute fiber:

Cellulose - 65.2 %
Hemi- Cellulose 22.2 %
Lignin 10.8 %
Water Soluble 1.5%
Fat and Wax 0.3 %

Physical Property of Jute Fiber:

1) Tenacity (g/den): 3.5 ~ 4.5 or (40-70 g/tex)
2) Length: 0.2-30 inch
3) Stretch and Elasticity: Not good and 2% elongation at break
4) Resiliency: Not very good
5) Abrasion Resistance: Relatively good
6) Dimensional Stability: Good
7) Moisture Regain: 13.75%
8) Specific gravity: 1.48~1.50
9) Color: Yellowish, Yellow, Brown, Golden
10) Heat Resistance: Good
11) Specific Heat: 0.324
12) Diameter: 18 micron
13) Cross section: Uneven, Thick cell wall with lumen.

Chemical Properties:
1) Effect of Bleaching: Not affected by oxidizing and reducing bleaching agents
2) Effect of acid: Destroyed by hot concentrated acids. Dilute acid can't do harm to the fiber
3) Effect of alkali: strong alkali destroy the fiber and strength reduces
4) Organic solvent: Resistant to organic solvents
5) Effect of Mildews: Better than cotton and linen
6) Effect of insects: Resistance is good
7) Dye ability: Good, easily dyed.
8) Electrical and thermal conductivity: Moderate

Bleaching Process of Jute Fiber/Fabric-

Bleaching of Jute:
Although jute fibres contain considerable amount of impurities, jute materials are generally bleached without prior scouring due to its alkali sensitivity. Jute differs from linen in its high lignin content (about 11-12% dry weight). The lignin, together with hemicelluloses, provides inter-cellular binding material known as lamella, holding the fibre together. In contrast to linen, it is neither desirable nor necessary to delignify jute. Jute is effectively bleached by hydrogen peroxide while most of the lignin remains.

A consequence of the presence of lignin in bleached jute is that its whiteness is not fast to light.

Bleaching Process:

Jute may be successfully bleached with sodium hypochlorite solution having 3-7 g/l available chlorine, using sodium carbonate to maintain pH of 10 to 10.5 at room temperature for 1 to 2 hours. It is advisable to add 1 to 2 g/l wetting agent, when the material is directly bleached without scouring. It is then washed and anti-chloride with 0.2% sodium sulphate for 20 minutes at 50 ̊C.

Sodium chlorite is suitable for bleaching of jute. It removes more lignin than hydrogen peroxide. Treatment of jute fabric with acidified 4% (o.w.m.) sodium chlorite solution, pH 4 to 4.5 at 90 ̊C for 90 minutes improves the whiteness of the materials.

The bleaching with hydrogen peroxide causes a markedly lower loss of weight (10% as against 17.9% in chloride bleaching) and slightly lower loss in strength.

In jigger machine, the recipe (% O.W.M.) of jute bleaching as follows:
  • Hydrogen Peroxide of 50%  : 3 to 6%
  • Sodium Silicate : 6 to 8%
  • Caustic Soda : 0.5 to 0.7%
  • Nonionic Detergent : 0.2 to 0.5 %
  • Chelating Agent : 0.05%
  • pH : 10.5~11
  • Temperature : 80 to 85 ̊C
  • Time : 120 minutes
The brightness of peroxide bleached jute material was found to increase when pre-treated with an enzyme mixture containing cellulose and xylanase.

The conventional hydrogen peroxide bleaching requires high temperature which may damage jute material. 

So cold bleaching may be carried out by treating the jute materials with a solution containing -
6% hydrogen peroxide, 
4% caustic soda, 
4% sodium silicate, 
2% soda ash and 
1% soap 
- followed by 24 hours storing at room temperature. The whiteness achieved may not be very high.

- In that case after completing 24 Hours bleaching process , the jute materials should be washed using clean water and then optical textile brighter can be used to achieve more brightness. Optical textile brighter can be used at 1~3 g/l to make the solution based on to dip the whole mount of jute material in the bucket/ tank.  Dipping time may be : 1~ 2 hours.

Ambient temperature processing: 

Some other main parameters and considerations regarding ambient temperature processing as given as under:

Processing of jute is difficult due to its complex chemical structure. Bleaching of jute is done in such a way that it produces sufficient whiteness without damaging fiber. Dyeing process is also selected in such a way that it does not damage the fiber and at the same time results in optimum fastness and dye uptake. Jute being bulky and hygroscopic, requires a considerable amount of water and thermal energy for its processing and subsequent drying. Effluent released after processing creates water pollution. Considering the resource management issues involved in jute processing, including the ease of processing in small operations, this study is focused on performing both bleaching and dyeing at ambient temperature without using thermal energy or sacrificing product quality.

Ambient Temperature Bleaching Process :

The possibility of bleaching of jute at Ambient temperature has been explore using sodium persulphate as peroxygen booster. The process is dependent on four variables. hydrogen peroxide, sodium hydroxide, sodium silicate and sodium persulphate, which has been optimized by using the statistical technique, central composite rotatable plan (CCRP). 

A recipe using -
50 g/l of hydrogen peroxide (50%), 
30 g/l sodium hydroxide (Flake), 
25 g/l sodium silicate, 
5 g/l sodium persulphate, 
5g/l non-ionic surfactant and 
0.25 g/l magnesium sulfate 
-   is suggested to obtain an acceptable level of whiteness without affecting the strength. The method involve padding the fabric in the solution using 90 - 100% wet pick up and then batching for 3 hours followed by washing

Ambient temperature dyeing Cellulose is the main component in jute which participates in the dyeing of jute fiber. So, all the dyes which are suit able for dyeing of cotton fiber can be used for jute with some modification. Considering both the fastness of colour and cost of dyeing, reactive dyes are found to be best for jute dyeing. It was found after extensive study that dichlorotriazine and vinyl sulphone reactive dyes can be applied judiciously on jute fiber at ambient temperature. Process involves exhaustion of dyes on jute followed by fixation in alkali bath. 

It is important to note that -
70-80 g/l glauber's salt is needed during exhaustion, 
20-30 g/l sodium carbonate is required for fixation of dichlorotriazine and 
5 g/l sodium hydroxide 
- is required for fixation of vinyl sulphone reactive dye on jute.
Thanks for reading!

Executive- (Hameem Group)

How to identify the PH of acetic acid? Check your Acetic acid if its okay or not.

Acetic acid is the most important thing in Denim Wash. Acetic acid is necessary for controlling the PH of final washed garments and also neutralizing the garments after caustic soda application (cleaning) on denim. Also acid using turns the denim color to Reddish look. 

Acetic acid is colorless transparent liquid which chemical symbol is CH3COOH. Chemical supplier supplies the acid in different name, like- Green Acid/ Ross Acid -N Liquid/ Etc.

Picture of a gallon of 20 Kg' acetic acid of 99.9% pure.

Here , we will discuss How to identify the PH of the 99.9% pure acetic acid. 

To identify the acid, it needs to find the concentration of 0.1 Molar Acetic acid. Which can be made through this way :-

0.1 Mole Acetic acid = 6.005 gram acid = 5.72 ml of glacial Acetic acid.

Now, take - 5.72 ml of 99.9 % pure Acetic acid and mix the acid slowly in 1 Liter of clean water. 

Then , Measure the PH of the solution after dilution. The ph of the solution will be - PH = 2.88. 

 (Remember, 1N = 1 molar)
 (Remember, - Density of Acetic acid is 1.049 gram/ mL)
 (Remember, - the concentration of glacial acetic acid  is roughly 0.01747 mol/mL = 17.47 M)

i.e - if you have a 80% solution , you need 7.15 ml of acetic acid to prepare 0.1 molar concentration of the acetic acid. 

 You may use regular handheld / bench-top type PH meter to identify the PH in decimal number because litmus paper will not give you the exact result.

Thanks for reading.

  Best regards,

K M Zahidur Rahman
Exectutive- R&D
Hameem Group