Monday, September 23, 2019

Denim Shirt Washing formula!

Buyer : - Garment descriptions : Denim Shirt Factory: X Group Brand: YZ
Wash instructions : 90 Pcs - 58 kg Style : 1234 P.O : 5678
Wash steps : Enzyme , Bleach, Neutral wash with Tint Wash
Machine RPM : 30 Machine Type: Top Loading
Date: 07.09.2019
Sl. Steps Water Level (Liters) Chemical Name Weight (grams) PH Level Temperature Run Time ' Remarks
      ÂșC MIN
Drain Rinse
1     Desize with the sleeves upside down (inner) & again, put the upper side on the outside and after then rest of the washing process has to be complete. 

* Desize 500       Soda Ash 700 gm
40-45`c 5 min yes 1

A.NTM 500 gm

Softner 200 gm

Silicon Oil 500 gm

R. HTC 300 gm

2     Enzyme 300      Valumax enzyme 900 gm
R.T 35-40 Min yes 1

Anti back staining agent 1100 gm

3     Bleach 400      Bleach KCI 2000 gm 50`c 03-10 min yes 1


4     Neutral 300      Hypo 1000 gm 40`c 08 min yes 1

5     Cleaning 400      Soda Ash 500 gm
50`c 05-10 min yes 1

Hydrogen Peroxide 500 gm


Biode 100 gm

6     Dyeing 300       Brown GTL 5 gm
50`c 5-10 min yes 1

Red BWS 1.2 gm


Glover Salt 500 gm

     7       Softener 250       Sotener  200 gm 5 R.T 5 min yes 1

Silicon oil 300 gm

Citric Acid 150 gm

HYDRO- GAS DRYER 55-60`c @ 50- 60 Min- QC Check

Notes : Enzyme Wash estimated time : (Min) : 180

Wash Formula Written BY, K M Zahidur Rahman

Laser maching printing / burning time study